Please come back

Dear love,
You know why do i love you my love
If you don't then thats your fault..
I truely respect you
I truely need your support
I truely need your trust
I truely need your love..
I truely need your respect..

Why does im writting this i don't know
I just know that how much i love you my love..
I just want to say if you can then please,
Love me as i love you..
ONEsided love is just the worst sadness i had in my life..its just killing me..every day
But i can't help my self i just need u to be with me for me....
How do i reacted how do i treated with you
That does'nt matter for me now n i hope you can understand this then also sorry for that..
Now please be with me as we where together for ever..
Sorry for what i had done....
Please come back..
I just Love You..


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